Saturday, February 7, 2009

Ballet flats and a hoodie

Our apartment smells like coffee (Wade made) and chocolate chip cookies (I made).
I just dropped Wade off at work and I'm a little sad. However, in a little bit I'm going to get really motivated and clean the whole apartment and do laundry. And tonight I babysit.

I just had to go to Target. I am beginning to hate spending money. I think this is positive. Some things about Target:
_Our neighborhood is pretty diverse. It is very obvious on the drive from our place to Target and in the Target store itself. I like it.
_On the drive home I noticed some people putting up a big, pink It's a Girl sign in front of a house and it made me think of all the babies being born right at that very second (amazing to think about). I don't want to have kids anytime soon.

Last night, after I came home from work, Wade and I cooked pasta and ate. Then we went to this little coffee shop called The Bourgeois Pig. We have walked by this place millions of times and actually thought it was a fancy little restaurant. Wade and I had some black coffee and a wonderful, intimate conversation that made me feel drunk on life and so happy to be married to him. After that we saw a movie, The Reader and it was sooooo good. (Don't see it if you are bothered by nudity or sad movies that don't end happily).


I am sure the nice weather is being talked about by pretty much everyone in the Midwest right now, but can I just tell you what it was like to feel the sunshine and warm air today after weeks and weeks of biting cold? I can't tell you.

I wore ballet flats and a hoodie today. No boots. No coat. No hat. No mittens (not hating on my mittens or anything, though. I love mittens).

I love the book A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. Possibly my favorite book.

"If there was only one tree like that in the world, you would think it was beautiful," said Kate. "But because three are so many, you just can't see how beautiful it really is. Look at those children." She pointed to a swarm of dirty children playing in the gutter. "You could take any one of them and wash him good and dress him up and sit him in a fine house and you would think he was beautiful."

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